The day has come!

6 have been the clues that we have provided you in social networks on the days of the month containing a 6, so that you could guess the theme of the next edition. Today is day 6 and we have fresh news about it. That’s clear, isn’t it?

Yes! The theme of the sixth edition of the Festival de Cinema de Serie B de Cornellà BRetina es ….

The mark of the beast, 666!

Satanism and occultism have been, for many years, recurring themes in the seventh art. The attraction to the socially forbidden is a motive of desire and what better way to take advantage of the sixth edition to pay our tribute to a part of the great catalog of films dedicated to this theme.

And as we are totally immersed in this supernatural and apocalyptic world, we have ended up having a mishap with the dates of the festival because instead of the usual three days, there will be six!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have the perfect excuse to throw the house out of the window and extend the festival days to six days! Make a note of the dates in your agenda, calendar or any other organizational application you use: you can now block yourself from the September 15 to 20! These days you exist only for the veneration and admiration of the devil who will be doing evil in the world! Auditori Biblioteca de Sant Ildefons de Cornellà de Llobregat.

Here is the poster of the sixth edition of the Festival de Cinema de Sèrie B de Cornellà BRetina designed by Rubén Piedra.

Remember, see you from September 15 to 20, 2020 at the Auditori Biblioteca de Sant Ildefons de Cornellà!