Legal Notice


In compliance with the duty of information stipulated in article 10 of Spanish law Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the user is informed that the owner of the website (the “Website”) and all of its content is:


NIF: G66653965

Registered office: C/ Almogavers S/N, Roger de Llúria Building – 08940 Cornella de Llobregat (Barcelona)

Registration data: Inscription number 58164 in the Registry of Foundations of the General Directorate of Law and Legal Entities of the Generalitat of Catalonia.


We inform you that allows access to the services and content of the Website, maily consisting of promotion of the Cornella’s “B Retina” B-Series Film Festival (the “Festival”), the sale and/or reservation of tickets, packs and passes for the Festival, the request for press passes, the registration of films in the Festival’s competitions as well as the means to be part of our organization’s team or the team of Festival volunteers and, in general, provide all the information regarding the Festival the the events hosted by the B RETINA ASSOCIATION (ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA) and our organization.


General Conditions

The use of this Website will be governed by these conditions of use (“Conditions of Use”), including the contents and services made available to users. That is why at ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA we ask you to read these Conditions of Use carefully, as they contain all the information related to your rights and obligations.

You should know that by simply accessing the Website you will be considered a “user” of the Website and with this you expressly accept, automatically and voluntarily, the Conditions of Use in force at all times. If you do not wish to accept them,we recommend you not to continue using the Website.

If you purchase products offered through the Website, the general and sales conditions of ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA published on the external Website intended for the sale of said products will apply, in addition to these Conditions of Use.

B RETINA ASSOCIATION (ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA) reserves the right, exclusively and at any time, to review these Conditions of Use to introduce modifications derived from legislative changes or corporate decisions, committing to publish and thereby inform of any variations that may affect users. These modifications will be deemed accepted whenever the user continues using the Website.

Furthermore, ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the structure and design of the Website, as well as the services or contents. During modification, repair, update or general improvement tasks, access to the Website may be suspended.

The Website is freely accessible to Internet users andASSOCIACIÓ B RETINAis not responsible for any damages caused by improper use of this Website

Regardless of this prior point, ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINAconditions the use of some of the services offered on the Website to the prior completion of the corresponding user registration, which will be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the corresponding section of the Website.

Minors who wish to use this Website must have the permission of their parents or guardians, who in any case will be responsible for their actions.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All trademarks, trade names, designs, graphics, logos, distinctive signs of any kind, images, videos, audios, software, downloads, texts, color combinations, programming, source codes and any other content of this Website (collectively, the “IP”), are the property of ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA or, where applicable, its licensors or other third parties who have authorized its use, without it being understood that the use or access to the Website attributes to the user any right over the IP, and without it being understood as transferred to the user, none of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist over the IP.

The reproduction (total or partial), transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse, retransmission or use of any nature, by any means or procedure, of the IP is expressly prohibited, except in cases previously authorized by ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA. Any use not previously authorised by ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, users may view and obtain a temporary private copy of the content of the Website for their exclusive personal and private use on their computer systems, provided that it is not for the purpose of developing commercial or professional activities or for distribution, modification or alteration purposes. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to limit or terminate your access to or use of the Website, in whole or in part, at any time without notice.

FESTIVAL DE CINEMA SÈRIE B DE CORNELLÀ B RETINA is a registered trademark, so any use of said name is expressly prohibited, including, but not limited to, its reproduction, imitation, use or insertion without our due authorization.

Likewise, the user is informed that is a domain registered by ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA. This domain cannot be used, unless expressly authorized by its owner, in connection with other services that are not a property of or related to ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA.

To make any observations regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights or, where applicable, the content of this Website, you can send an email to

Responsabilities and Obligations

1. Responsabilities regarding the Website.

The content of this Website is of a general nature and has a mainly informative purpose about our services and our associative activity. In the case of products or services that require a certain payment, ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA will inform users of the particular purchasing conditions corresponding to said products or services.

Both access to the Website and the use that may be made of the information contained therein is the exclusive responsibility of the person doing sais use. Therefore, ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA is exempt from any responsibility regarding any decision taken by any user of the Website as a result of the information contained therein.

B RETINA ASSOCIATION (ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA) rejects responsibility for any information not prepared and/or published by B RETINA ASSOCIATION (ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA), as well as the responsibility arising from the misuse of the contents of the Website, and reserves the right to update, eliminate, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or permanently.

2. Responsibilities regarding links to other third-party websites.

The links that may appear on the Website are of a purely informative nature and, therefore, ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA does not control or verify any information, content, products or services provided through these third-party web pages. Consequently, ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA declines any type of responsibility for the content that may appear on said third-party web pages.

If you decide to access any third party website, you do so entirely at your own risk and subject to the terms of use of such third party websites.

3. Responsibility in the event that the Website is the destination of the link that exists on a third party’s website.

With regard to the links established on other web pages that direct to the Website, as well as if any user, entity or web page wishes to establish some type of link to the Website, the following will apply:

  • Previous authorization shall be requested in written form fromASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA.

  • The link may only direct to the home page of the Website.

  • The link must be absolute and complete, that is, it must take the user to the Website address itself to. and must completely cover the entire length of the home page screen.

  • No type of erroneous or incorrect indication will be given about the Website.

  • The owner of the page that offers the link must act in good faith and will not intend to negatively affect the reputation or good name of ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA nor the Festival.

ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA cannot control the information, content, products or services provided by other websites that have established links to the Website. For this reason, it is not responsible for any aspect related to such websites.

The establishment of a link to the Website on a third-party web page does not necessarily imply the existence of any type of relationship, collaboration or dependence between ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA and the website’s owner, author or administrator.

4. Responsibilities regarding technical aspects.

B RETINA ASSOCIATION (ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA) does not guarantee the continuity of the operation of the Website, nor its permanent availability. ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA reserves the right to interrupt access to the Website, at any time and without prior notice, whether for reasons of security, control, maintenance, power supply errors or for any other reason.

B RETINA ASSOCIATION (ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA) is not responsible for deficiencies in the service of its service provider, nor for communication networks, nor for problems resulting from the malfunction or use of non-optimized versions of any type of browser, as well as those derived from prolonged interruptions. of the electricity supply, telecommunications lines, social conflicts, strikes, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and in general all cases of force majeure or fortuitous events.

B RETINA ASSOCIATION (ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA) will not be liable for possible security errors that may occur or for possible damage that may be caused to the user’s computer system, files or documents stored therein, when they originate from a virus coming from the user’s computer, browser malfunction. or the use of non-updated versions of the same, telephone breakdowns, interference, omissions or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system due to causes beyond the control of the B RETINA ASSOCIATION (ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA).

5. User obligations.

During the use of this Website, the user undertakes not to contravene current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order, and the use of the Website for illicit, deceptive, malicious or harmful purposes againstASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA or tird parties is prohibited. Therefore, the User of the Website must be appropriate and correct, with the user refraining from engaging in conduct that is harmful to the image, interests and/or rights of ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA and/or third parties.

Likewise, the User must refrain from using, deleting, evading or manipulating the “copyright” and other data identifying the rights of ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA, as well as the technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be included in the contents of the Website. Likewise, the User will refrain from using the contents of the Website and, in particular, the information of any kind obtained through the Website to send advertising, communications for commercial purposes, unsolicited messages directed to a plurality of people regardless of their identity. its purpose, as well as to refrain from marketing or disclosing said information in any way.

The User will be liable for any damages that ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA may suffer as a result of non-compliance with any of the obligations determined in this Legal Notice and Conditions of Use of the Website.

Regarding navigation, the user undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe the recommendations that ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA establishes, where and whever appropriate, regarding the use of the Website.

The user undertakes to provide truthful information throughout communications with ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA, constituting himself solely responsible for any damages or losses that said information may cause, due to being inaccurate or false, both to ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA as well as to third parties.

Duration y modification

ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA reserves the right at its sole discretion and unilaterally, to modify, add or remove any part of this Legal Notice and Conditions of Use. Any changes will appear in the same form as all content currently appears in this Legal Notice.

It will be the user’s responsibility to check whether we have made any changes to this Legal Notice and Conditions of Use each time they use the Website. If the user accesses or uses the Website in any way after the Legal Notice and Conditions of Use have been modified, it will be deemed that he or she has read, understood and consented to and unconditionally accepted such changes. The most current version of this Legal Notice and Conditions of Use will be available on the Website and will replace any previous versions thereof.

The temporary validity of this Legal Notice and Conditions of Use coincides, therefore, with the time of its display on the Website, until the moment it is modified in whole or in part by ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA.

ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA may unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt this Website’s operation. After such termination, the user must destroy any information about ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA that they have in any format and that they have obtained through the Website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice and Conditions of Use are subject to the applicable Spanish legislation at any given time. For the resolution of any conflict or litigation that may arise from access to this Website, users and ASSOCIACIÓ B RETINA undertake to submit to the courts of Cornellà de Llobregat, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.